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Trips and Visits

2023 – 2024


Date Trip/ Event Key Stage Picture
Oct 23 Harvest Festival Whole School  
Oct 23 Yorkshire Wildlife Park LKS2
Oct 23 Thackray Museum of Medicine UKS2
Oct 23 Circus Skills Whole School  
Nov 23 Tesco Trip FS  
Nov 23 Eureka KS1
Nov 23 Church Christening FS  
Dec 23 Crucial Crew Y6
Dec 23 Cinema – Wonka Whole School  


Jan 24 National Emergency Services Museum FS
Jan 24 Peat Rigg Residential Y6  
Feb 24 Magic Show  Whole School  
Feb 24 Young Voices  Choir  
Mar 24 Magna Museum LKS2  
Mar 24 Comic Relief – Inflatables Whole school  
Mar 24 Church Visit – Easter Whole School  
Mar  Theatre Visit – Dear Zoo F1  


Apr 24  Eden Camp  UKS2  
May 24 Big Talk  Whole School  
May 24 The Deep  KS1  
May 24 Eco day Whole School  
June 24 Cleethorpes F1  
July 24 Giant Inflatables Whole School  
July 24 Art Exhibition Whole School