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School Council

The School Council at Oakhill Primary Academy is an inclusive group of students elected by their peers to represent the Academy’s interests and concerns. As a beacon of student voice and participation, the council serves between students and teachers fostering a culture of democracy, responsibility, and collaboration.

At Oakhill Primary the council’s primary mission is to ensure that every child’s opinions, ideas, and needs are heard and addressed. Through regular meetings and open communication channels, council members gather feedback, suggestions, and concerns from their classmates, discussing them and advocating for appropriate action.

In addition to representing student interests, the school leadership team plays a role in promoting positive change and initiatives with a focus on sustainability and environmental issues. The current focus is around eco-friendly practices, raising awareness about environmental issues and ultimately gaining an Eco Award. From organising recycling in each classroom and disposal of it, to Eco days in school to promote current issues such as cutting down on electricity bills.
