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Big Talk


An Introduction to the Growing Up Safe Programme

Children always look up to their parents as their first source of knowledge when it comes to growing up, understanding relationships, and learning about sex. However, many parents admit that they lack the confidence to have open and honest conversations with their children. That’s where schools and BigTalk Education come in to lend a helping hand! We are here to support schools and teachers in providing vital education to keep children safe, healthy, and happy.
At BigTalk Education, our team of experts visit your school for a part or whole day, ensuring that both your children and their parents receive the knowledge they need. Our comprehensive Growing Up Safe: Whole School Approach programme covers children from Nursery to Year 6, involving not just the pupils but also their parents and school staff.

As we travel across the UK, delivering our Growing Up Safe: Whole School Approach, we witness firsthand how much school staff and parents appreciate our specialist expertise. We help establish a common language within schools to discuss bodies, growing up, and sex in a manner that is age-appropriate and easy to understand. Together, we can empower children with the knowledge they need for a bright and healthy future.

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