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School Time

School starts at 8.30am and register closes at 8.45am.

School Times

Breakfast Club 8-8:25am 
Start of school day 8:30am
All gates will be closed at 8.45am
Lunch Early Years 11:15-12:15pm
Lunch Years 1 and 2 11:40-12:25pm
Lunch Years 3 and 4 12-12:40pm
Lunch Years 5 and 6 12:40-13:00pm

The school day officially begins at 8:30 and ends at 3pm.

Doors open at 8:30am and close at 8:45am and gates are locked.

Any children arriving after this time will come through the main reception to be registered and taken to their classroom.

There is a whole school assembly every Monday and Tuesday with either an ethos, religious or British Values focus. Wednesday’s assembly is singing and signing.

Whole school celebration assemblies are held every Friday at 2.15pm.

We offer 32.5 hours of learning at Oakhill Primary Academy Primary Academy