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Resourced Provision

Resourced Provision Parent Information

About the Resourced Provision

Oakhill Resource Provision opened in September 2004 as a provision for children who have Developmental Language Disorder. We have 8 places for children ages 3-7. Although it is expected that children attend Oakhill Resourced Provision (ORP) for 4 terms, this is dependent upon progress and some return to their school earlier.

Whilst at Oakhill, the children follow a broad and balanced curriculum with a strong emphasis on speech and language skills. Children make accelerated progress in their speech and language, and typically across the curriculum as a result of intensive small group teaching throughout their time with us. Oakhill Resourced Provision staff and pupils participate fully in school life. This inclusive approach is vital if children are to develop social communication skills and are to successfully return to their local school.

We work closely with parents/carers, teachers, support staff and other professionals including Speech and Language Therapists, Educational Psychologists, Occupational Therapists and Physiotherapists.


Whilst we believe it is important that children and parents accessing the Oakhill Resourced Provision maintain links with their local school and continue to regard it as their school, pupils accessing ORP are fully integrated into the Oakhill community and become part of our family during their time with us. Through skillful intervention, our long term goals are to return pupils to their school with:

  • The skills needed to express themselves fully.
  • Increased confidence and self-esteem.
  • Accelerated progress in areas typically affected by Developmental Language Disorder (phonics, reading and writing).
  • The skills necessary to access the National Curriculum.

What Parents Say About Us

We believe that pupils thrive in their time with us and we play a important part in their educational and emotional journey. Don’t just take our word for it!  Parents of pupils who have accessed ORP tend to agree:

“There has been a huge improvement in her speech and understanding…she is able to return to her school much more confident and a lot happier.”

“We are certain that we made the correct decision in (our child) coming to yourselves. You have given him a brighter future for us as a family to look forward to. He has a fantastic chance at his education and we will make sure he works hard on this!”

“The support we have had from the staff during and even now he has left has been beyond amazing.”

“The provision makes such a difference to the children, they shine with confidence!”

These are just a few of the comments we have received.

Please email completed forms to the SENCo at Oakhill Primary Academy – Jo Gibbons (