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Our Community

The Wellbeing Hub

Come and meet our friendly team of parents for a coffee and a catch-up every Wednesday morning from 8.30am at the old caretaker’s house, on site at Oakhill. The Wellbeing Hub gives you a chance to catch up, ask questions and gain support. Adult Skills and Community Learning play a big part within the Hub, giving you a chance to gain qualifications and new skills.

The government have announced a further extension of the household support fund. The fund will provide financial support to households needing help with the rising cost of living. It will support families in most need, particularly those who may not have been eligible for other support the government recently made available. Oakhill Primary Academy are able to provide support to families:

  • Food vouchers
  • Fuel voucher/credit
  • Air fryer
  • Electric blanket
  • Heated clothes airer
  • Household essentials

Should you wish to apply for support, please check your eligibility and complete the form

Family Support

By giving our children roots, they can fly.

Paula Edwards is our Learning Mentor and Family Support Worker, working alongside parents/carers, families and children with a variety of support programmes and strategies to help support, empower and engage family members to enable them to reach their full potential. Her role is to provide support in creating strong, stable and loving family networks.


Mrs Edwards also supports children and their families to ensure the family unit is working to its full potential. Working with families and external agencies and services to provide holistic support with life’s challenges and needs including Domestic Violence, Mental Health Services, Alcohol and Substance misuse, sign posting and making wellbeing services readily available.

Early Help Assessments

The Early Help Assessment provides an opportunity for parents/carers to receive structured support from all organisations involved with the family and child; providing a pro-active approach to develop the needs of the family. The EHA is used to assist families who face more challenges, who may have multiple needs and who require targeted support. The process involves a one-to-one meeting with Mrs Edwards to complete a detailed needs analysis form before a Team Around the Family (TAF) meeting is held between all parties to design a support plan, providing additional capacity to address the needs highlighted. One parent who has used the Early Help Assessment for support has praised the approach: “The early help is giving me more motivation. It is giving me a push in the right direction. I have done things I probably wouldn’t have done without the TAFs (groups etc…). I would recommend to accept family support to anyone who is struggling because it has helped me no end, it has pushed me to get up off my backside and do what I needed to do. I am much happier and confident which means the kids have a better life. I am looking forward to working with school as an ambassador and this has encouraged me to carry on improving.”

Sibling Support

We all know that having brothers and sisters can be tricky, no more so than for some of our children who live day to day life within the family home with a sibling who may require extra support maybe at home, school or both.

Mrs Edwards and some of our children have fun within a small sibling group, baking, making and lots of giggles. The group gives our children a chance to be themselves whilst enjoying time with other children in the same position as themselves. After all – they deserve it!

Holiday Clubs

During the holidays, Grass Roots hold a variety of holiday clubs for our children to attend and enjoy.

The clubs are free to attend and feature sports activities. Watch out for the next ones…

Coffee Mornings

Every half term we hold a SEND coffee morning. This is a chance for parents/carers to come into school, have a coffee (or tea) a chat and to discuss any new ideas or issues that may have arisen. Mrs Gibbons runs the coffee morning and occasionally asks special guests to make an appearance, from public health nurses to SEND specialists. Guests can come and have an informal chat about how they can support our families.

MacMillan Coffee Morning


Mrs Edwards organised our Macmillan Coffee Morning, we had cakes and treats made and brought in by staff, parents and even the pupils got involved! Alongside we also had a tombola which made a wonderful start to the day.