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Our music journey starts in EYFS where children are embodied by song, music, and dance. The EYFS team light up the curriculum with music daily and incorporate rhyme, pitch, and pulse within their daily practice. Weekly sessions are led by staff who use Charanga (an interactive and engaging scheme) to engage pupils in a key song of the term where they use their bodies to create music amongst other instruments in accordance with the scheme. Alongside Charanga Mr Jenkins visits weekly, who uses his guitar and voice to mimic nursery rhymes and songs to support pupil engagement with song.

Further up school we have carefully chosen a high-quality music curriculum to engage and inspire children to develop both a love of music and their talent as musicians. We are currently working closely with outside agency Junior Jam to provide a quality music curriculum full of excitement and self-expression.

The children are taught six units of music a year via an effective, interactive  scheme provided by Junior Jam. The children enjoy learning through activities and games which cover the musical dimensions (for example pulse, rhythm, and pitch), through singing and playing instruments, listening, and creating music all linked through a central song or piece. They develop their skills to use improvisation and composition in both the use of their voice, body percussion and a range of instruments across each unit of work. Through their music exploration, children develop their self-confidence and ability to express themselves through their own musical ideas, views, and opinions.

Throughout several units children are encouraged to play more complex instruments such as the electric drums, glockenspiel, and keyboards. They learn firstly how to respect the instrument and their peers. They then learn how to play, using rhythm, pitch and pulse they compose music taught to them and music they desire to do so themselves with opportunity to perform in front of class and school.

Each lesson has clear and sequential skills which are taught to enable children not only to learn about music; they behave like musicians who are able to share and perform using their growing skills. Children are taught how to perform, listen to, review, and evaluate music across a range of historical periods, genres, styles and traditions, including the works of the great composers and musicians. Music provided by Junior Jam and staff will take the children on a journey to explore a range of materials from across the ages and around the world.

Through our successful Music curriculum, our children will develop a greater sense of self which in turn plays a part in their emotional and social development. We are committed to enabling this vital development of our pupils through musical experiences.

Long Term Curriculum