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Curriculum Intent

Inspiring today, making a difference tomorrow

We strongly believe that learning must be a memorable and enjoyable journey and our curriculum is underpinned by the following core values:

  • Child-focused
  • Nurturing
  • Inclusive
  • Ambitious

Children are at the heart of all that we do; their developmental needs and future success determine our practice and priorities. We provide a warm, caring environment in which children and adults feel safe, loved and valued giving them the ability to flourish and grow.

Our school has a consistently positive culture of high expectations and aspirations for all.

All our children rise to the challenge of a rich, diverse, ambitious curriculum which develops children’s competencies across all subjects. We pride ourselves in offering innovative and relevant learning experiences passionately meeting the needs of all pupils. This ensures that our pupils:

  • are enthusiastic, independent, confident and successful learners;
  • understand their own infinite potential is underpinned by effort, determination and resilience;
  • are curious, inquisitive and able to express their ideas, research and findings well;
  • are knowledge-rich and secure age-appropriate learning with transferable skills to succeed in life.

Progression throughout our carefully constructed curriculum is clear to ensure children are prepared for the next phase in their education, whether to a new concept, year or keystage.

We believe a primary curriculum is at its powerful best when it introduces young learners to experiences which challenge, motivate and inspire and have the potential to become lifelong passions, interests and pleasures and prepare them for their next stage in their education.

We prepare all our children for the future, developing both their academic and their social and emotional well-being. By enabling all children to explore the world around them, they develop strong life skills. Through language rich experiences we focus our childrens abilities to communicate using higher order thinking, enquiry and transferable skills learned from a broad and balanced curriculum. Through rich texts, first-hand experiences and reflective practice, children will engage with the curriculum and identify possibilities for their future. They will develop their personal sense of self, an inner resilience, strength of character that will result in them confidently and consistently presenting themselves with being the best that they can be at the small tasks and the big challenges their lives will bring.