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Our children earn dojos daily in recognition of their hard work in all subject areas. Dojos can also be awarded for various elements of school life from Attendance to Homework to Learning. Children are able to save their dojos throughout the year or spend them as they earn them. We have a series of rewards and prizes available in the Dojo Shop.


As well as dojos, we have various other rewards available to pupils at Oakhill. Starbooks’ Reading Reward is one of the children’s favourites! A child who reads at home and tries hard when reading at school could be selected from each class every half term to visit Starbucks and celebrate their reading success over a hot chocolate and a bun!


Children work extremely hard in Writing because they want to earn ‘TopSpot Royalty’ status! This reward is given to a child that has worked particularly hard to improve their writing skills across the week. Children that are chosen are allowed to sit in the golden throne and wear a special crown- in true royalty style!


We hold celebration assemblies every Friday. During this time we celebrate children’s achievements, including home achievements. Certificates are awarded for Golden book (special mention), Maths and reading across the week. Once a term, children are selected to attend the Heads Tea Party. This is a very special award given to one child per class for excelling in any area of the curriculum or personal achievement.
